26 Jun Daily Rundown: Airport Facial Security, Cybersecurity Studios Opens, PDQ Restaurants Hacked
News and resources to keep you on the cutting edge of cybersecurity
– Kerry Morgan, Cybercrime Reporter
Northport, N.Y. — Jun. 26, 2018
The cybercrime stories we’re following, and you should too:
- Cybercrime investigation tactics – how terror attacks and cyberattacks can be handled using similar techniques.
- West Virginia Small Business Development Center promotes cybersecurity awareness to small businesses within the state by hosting a series of workshops on cybersecurity.
- Orlando airport is the first in the U.S. to use facial recognition security — with biometric cameras.
- Scotland takes cybercrime seriously and sets forth funding for cyber resilience — Deputy First Minister says no organization is immune to an attack.
- Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (FCC) aligns with FBI to fight the latest form of terrorism – cybercrime.
- Concerns of cyberattacks on Mexico’s upcoming election after several breaches earlier this year.
- Cybercrime Magazine begins filming videos and recording podcasts in new east Cybercrime Studios.
- PDQ restaurant chain reveals their system was breached over an 11-month period – exposing customer names and credit card information.
- Chubb enhances cyber incident response network – a new mobile app and a dedicated website.
- Symantec’s Threat Intelligence report uncovers cyber-espionage campaign by China-based group against U.S. and Southeast Asia.
The anatomy of a ransomware attack – humans are the main problem, not the technology:
Community resources to keep you on the cutting edge of cyber:
- Top cybersecurity news sites for breaking stories and the latest threat alerts
- Quarterly cybercrime diary of data breaches and cyberattacks
- Hack blotter with cybercriminal Investigations, arrests and convictions
- 20 cybersecurity experts to follow on Twitter for crowd-sourced opinions and insights
- Cybersecurity events calendar featuring conferences and expos globally
- Big list of hacker and cybersecurity movies from 1969 to present
- Cybersecurity 500 list of the world’s hottest and most innovative cybersecurity companies
- Cyberwarfare report contains a dateline of U.S. and international cyber conflicts
- List of cybersecurity mergers and acquisitions (M&A) every quarter
- VC report covers venture capital and corporate investments into cybersecurity companies
Check back each business day for a new edition of the Daily Rundown!
– Kerry Morgan is a Cybercrime Reporter for Cybercrime Magazine.