17 Aug Cybercrime Bytes: 10 Hot Security Certs, Public Safety Hacked, Intrusion’s Shield
Weekly news that keeps you on the cutting edge of cybersecurity
– The editors at Cybercrime Magazine
Sausalito, Calif. – Aug. 17, 2020
This week’s rundown is sponsored by Absolute – New enterprise security trends, threats & opportunities revealed in 2020: The State of Endpoint Resilience™ Report, our annual study of 8.5 million devices.
— IT workers with security certifications tend to have significantly higher average salaries than those without them. The 10 hot cybersecurity certifications in 2020 include: Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH); Certified Information Privacy Professional/US (CIPP/US); and Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA). Cybercrime Magazine
— The FBI advises that it no longer is a question of if, but rather when, any individual public safety communications network is going to be attacked. The agency says that ransomware has become the largest threat for public safety. Cybersecurity Ventures predicts that businesses worldwide will suffer a ransomware attack every 14 seconds. Government Technology
— Intrusion’s new product, Shield, has the potential to be a game changer in the cybersecurity space. In a recent interview with Cybercrime Magazine, Intrusion’s new president and CEO discusses the most dangerous and persistent cyber threats faced by organizations in the U.S. and globally. Seeking Alpha
— Scott Schober reviews “Manipulated: Inside the Cyberwar to Hijack Elections and Distort the Truth” by former White House CIO and global cybersecurity expert Theresa Payton. The new book, which covers election security and much more, gets a five-star rating, the highest possible. Cybercrime Magazine
— Cybercrime is becoming a common occurrence in the digital age and is predicted to cause $6 trillion of financial damage by 2021, according to Cybersecurity Ventures. Whether it’s data leaks, ransomware campaigns or DDoS attacks that shut down entire companies, this threat is growing every day and puts everyone at risk. Windows Central
Cybercrime Radio: Kristin Judge, Cybercrime Support Network (CSN)
Will the entire U.S. be able to dial 211 to report a cybercrime?
— Have you written emails to the CEO? Do you know who else may have access to the messages? Is it legal for your employer to read your emails? Look into it and you might not like the answer. We don’t have a clear cut answer for you — but suffice to say that there are definitely circumstances when this is a permissible practice. Cybercrime Magazine
— Globally the cost associated with ransomware attacks is expected to rise to $20 billion by 2021, as per research think-tank Cybersecurity Ventures. Securing against ransomware must consequently be top of the agenda for not only IT leaders but also the C-suite executives in an organization. DataQuest
— Knowledge is the greatest weapon and best defense for individuals and families to protect against cybercrime. Basic prevention tips can never be repeated too often, such as: Change your passwords frequently because you don’t know who’s monitoring them; always verify the source of any email before you respond; and don’t use the same password for multiple accounts. The Nigerian Voice
— The future of cybersecurity requires augmenting the current focus of “indicators of compromise” with “indicators of exposure and warning” in real-time. Where the measure would be to gauge the shift of incident management that would tilt on managing more incidents at warning stages than on compromise stages. Security Magazine
— It is estimated that the global cybersecurity expert shortage is between one and two million in 2020. According to Cybersecurity Ventures, more than 3.5 million cybersecurity jobs in the U.S. alone will be unfilled by 2021 (up from one million in 2014). Identity Management Institute
Cybercrime TV: Do You Sell To Fortune 500 CISOs?
Scott Schober on Cybersecurity Ventures’ CISO 500 Data File
— Security is one of the few corners of the technology sector still looking strong for Cisco, whose revenues and earnings are expected to be stuck in second gear over the next 12 months. The networking giant may be transitioning towards a more successful business model, just in time for them to benefit from positive industry trends in mobile communications, cloud and cybersecurity. Seeking Alpha
— One of the biggest threats to business continuity is cybercrime. A recent report found that almost one-third (31 percent) of EMEA decision makers saw cyber threats as the number one challenge that will impact their business in the next 12 months. Tahawultech.com
— A backup is useless if ransomware locks up the drive where it is stored. If they can, attackers will ensure that ransomware locks up everything, including your backups. In today’s world, storing backups onsite just isn’t enough. You need offsite backups for redundancy. StorageCraft
— To support Middle East cybersecurity skills improvement, CyberKnight signed Immersive Labs into its distribution portfolio. Immersive Labs is the world’s first fully interactive, on-demand, and gamified cyber skills platform which keeps cybersecurity teams in touch with the latest tools and attack techniques. MENAFN
— The Phi Beta Cyber Society has launched its Twitter account @PhiBetaCyber. Phi Beta Cyber volunteers pledge to speak at local high schools — in order to raise awareness around cybercrime, cyberwarfare, and the importance of cyber defense. The goal is to help generate more of our nation’s future cyber fighters. Twitter
More next week.
– From the editors at Cybercrime Magazine
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