05 Oct 1,105 Women In Cybersecurity We Follow On Twitter, And You Should Too
Cybercrime Magazine is compiling the world’s largest list of its kind. See the list
– Steve Morgan, Editor-in-Chief
Sausalito, Calif. – Oct. 5, 2018
Cybercrime Magazine is compiling the world’s largest list of women in the cybersecurity field. The tally was up to 1,027 last week — and we’ve got another 78 this week, for a total of 1,105 to date.
But first, we want to tell you about a great interview we conducted with a very accomplished woman in our field – Rebecca Hughes Parker, an Attorney and Global Editor-in-Chief for The Cybersecurity Law Report.
Where do lawyers fit in the world of cybersecurity? Rebecca sat down with Georgia Reid, Deputy Editor of Cybercrime Magazine, to talk about how lawyers and technologists can interact, and other hot legal topics in cybersecurity and data privacy.
Now, for the new names you’ve been waiting for…
- Alissa (Dr. Jay) @dralissajay Dr. A Johnson ~ Fortune 200 #CISO ~Fmr Deputy CIO @WhiteHouse ~2016 & 2015 Huff Post Top 100 Social CIOs ~My thoughts are my own. ~Will work for shoes~ snapchat: dr.alissajay
- Silja-Madli Ossip @siljamadli Cybersecurity R&D Coordinator at Estonian Information System Authority @e_riik | MA IR from @UniLeiden | Passionate Estonian patriot 🇪🇪
- Marci McCarthy @TENandISE Offering IT security executive networking programs that enable relationships between IT security executives, industry visionaries and IT solutions providers.Atlanta, GA
- Leslie K. Lambert @leslieklambert Security & Privacy Professional
- Lisa Rhodes @lisa4one World traveler, foodie and wine lover. Opinions are my own. #cybersecurity #blockchain #AI #videosurveillance #telecom, member @ISSAINTL
- Tara Khanna @khannatw Horse show mom, avid reader, foodie, #security evangelist. My views are my own. Houston, TX
- Ioana Vera @IoanaVera411 Tuba-playing, scuba-diving, dog-loving DIYer and security executive. My views are my own. San Ramon, CA
- Cathy Fell @CathyFell Vice President Global Events, ASUGasug.com
- Sara Merken @SaraMerken Privacy and data security reporter for @BloombergLaw. Views are my own, RTs ≠ endorsements. Send tips to smerken@bloomberglaw.com Washington, DC
- Karen Worstell, MA @konakaren moving this account to @karenworstell. follow us there! Gig Harbor, WA
- Danessa Lambdin @DanessaLambdin
- Whitney Maxwell P1nkP@nth3r @whitneynmaxwell Security Consultant @Rapid7 |@DEFCON Black Badge Honoree and Winner of #SECTF | Penetration Tester | World Traveler
- Caitlin Doherty @caitlinkdoherty Global Comms @Rapid7. @BostonCollege alum. Pretty tired, you? Boston
- Alexandra King @aking_Rapid7 Analyst Relations for @Rapid7, Boston, MA
- Zoe Braiterman @zbraiterman Innovation Intelligence Strategist (Machine and Human) & @OWASPWIA Chair New York, NY
- Kristen Quade @BlueTeamQuade Data Scientist at the E-ISAC. InfoSec. Critical Infrastructure. #SecuringTheGrid Columbia, MD
- Pam Wickham @PamWickham1 CCO @raytheon. Passionate about communications, the role of women in biz & society, education, equality & all things digital. Views are my own. Metro Boston
- Kimberlee Bachman @Bachman_K High Tech Security Marketer. MBA @BCCarrollMBA. Opinions are mine #foodie #yogi Boston, MA
- KellyKane @KellyKane PR @IBMSecurity, security and tech geek, avid sentence finisher, lover of comedy and puppies. Tweets reflect my views, not those of my employer yada yada. Boston, MA / Block Island, RI
- Ayorinde I. Ifatunji @a_ifatunji Previously: @UnderscoreVC, @VMware & @Rapid7 | Founder of @BrightEyedJoy Chicago + Boston
- Kate Storro @Kate_Storro Waltham, MA
- Rachel Haot @rachelhaot Executive Director of Transit Innovation Partnership of @Partnership4NYC + @MTA. Board of @technyc @regionalplan @JBRPC. Mother, wife, multimodal New Yorker.New York City
- Mary @magic7502 pen tester for all areas with a focus on web app sec. GWAPT, GPEN, GWAS, GCIH hacking learning python electric guitar pugs rock Rhode Island
- Sarah Lewis Cortes @SarahCortes InfoSec ● Privacy ● Compliance ● Risk ● GDPR ● Investigations ● Ops ● Darknet ● Research ● Sub-Directorate T4 ● Active Measures ● активные мероприятия Cambridge, MA, USA
- Christa M. Miller @christammiller #amwriting: #fiction for myself, #DFIR marketing/PR for @magnetforensics. #Wildlife rehab volunteer; @Izzies_Pond board member. Wife & mom. All opinions my own.Greenville, SC
- Joan Goodchild @JoanGoodchild Experienced editor, writer, public speaker, moderator and audience builder. Proud Masshole, wife and mom.Massachusetts
- Denise Dubie @DDubie Strategic Content Creator @CAInc, editor/writer/techie: Modern Software Factory, Agile, DevOps, Mobility, Security, Cloud; former Network World/IDG tech journo. North of Boston, MA
- Shany Seawright @sseawright Doing it all! #govIT, #infosec, #healthIT,#education, #opendata, #opengov,#equitywarrior, #marketing #PR Pro who is #customerobsessed. +Mom of 3 kiddies,2 dogs DC Metro
- brooke motta @brookelynz1 Works at ObserveIt San Francisco, CA
- Sarah Noles @sarahnsec Just a girl thriving in the InfoSec world | Security Analyst | OSCP | love all things #InfoSec #Programming and #Data | Speaker Liason @_kernelcon_ Nebraska, USA
- Coreen Wilson @coreenwilson Product Marketing Manager, Application Security Massachusetts, USA
- Christina Richmond @Xtina_Richmond Unavoidably curious about security services and technology! IDC analyst covering Security Services Boulder, CO
- Cathy Ross @CathyRoss_ Co-Founder & President @FraudDotNet Experienced entrepreneur in the areas of #cybersecurity, payments, ecommerce and finance #InfoSec New York, NY
- Kaska M @kmiskolc
- Lina @MSULina IT Security Specialist, sucker for a shelter dog, dork. Royals and Chiefs devotee. Kansas City
- Jennifer Johnson @jj_cmo Enterprise sw marketing jedi master. CMO @TenableSecurity. Former CMO @Tanium & @Coverity, partner @a16z. Category designer w/ @playbigger. Views are mine. San Francisco
- Chenny Ren @CutieChenny Penetration Tester; Offensive Security Professionals; Blockchain & Cryptocurrency enthusiasm; 100% geek guaranteed Manhattan, NY
- wendy batten @wjbatten Community Manager, Security. Living New England style, Winters in VT & Summers on Cape Cod. Opinions-mine #threatintelligence #sugarbush Boston, MA
- Linda Green @lindagreen9090 New York, USA
- Marsha McGrath @marshatoni I’m a B2B Marketing Director @McAfee who is passionate about lead gen, ABM, branding & PR….along with being with my family, drinking good wine & watching AFL Sydney
- Kim Singletary @ksingletary I like tech, gadgets, #cloud and cool new uses for #IoT, concerned about #cybersecurity and #privacy implications Greater Boston Area Portland, Oregon
- Lauren Brzozowy @Lauren_Brzozowy Marketeer for @IntelSecurity & @CUBoulder alumna (go buffaloes!) Frequent Traveler | Passionate Designer | Avid Skier | True Millennial
- Toni Birdsong @tonibirdsong Author, content strategist, marketing copywriter & family tech blogger for McAfee/Intel. Useful tweets on writing, marketing, tech & faith. Views are my own. Franklin, Tennessee
- Evelyn de Souza @e_desouza Making the #digital world safer is my calling, not just a job. #privacy #security Cloud Security Alliance Strategy Advisor @cloudsa @cloudnow_org Moss Beach CA
- Rania @AlmosaRania Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Data Privacy Gal @dataprivacygal Privacy Lawyer (CIPP/A, CIPP/E). Let’s talk about #dataprivacy, #dataprotection & #cybersecurity.
- Cristina Gaia @cristinagaia I do marketing for a living, now @cyberark | I tweet about technology & marketing & social | Ideas are my own Milano
- Katie Curtin-Mestre @kcmestre B2B tech marketing executive at CyberArk, dog lover, and recreational runner.Westborough,MA
- Ellie Burns @JournoEllieB One time #journalist & Editor in the B2B tech sector, now exploring the depths of #cybercrime and #fraud with @threatmetrix London
- Martye K. Joyce, MBA @MartyeJoyce MBA, MSc Cybersecurity Policy #Leadership #STEM #Corpgov #Data #AI #Privacy #Strategy #Agile #Startups #Toastmasters #Veterans Award Winning #PublicSpeaker United States
- Charlie Osborne @SecurityCharlie @ZDNet writer for @CBSi. Fond of security & biz tech. Freelance photographer. Contact via WhatsApp/Signal +447713025499.London
- Zeljka Zorz @ZeljkaZorz Zeljka Zorz, Managing Editor of Help Net Security and (IN)SECURE Magazine.
- Nicole Chaney @KeepEncrypting Security evangelizer/software sales guru. INFJ. Writer of words and code. Enthusiastic supporter of having conversations that matter.Boston, Massachusetts
- Christy Lynch @Christy_Lynch #infosec #itsecurity and other misc items of interest @GreatHorn VP of Marketing Comments are my own. Boston, MA area
- claire sud @sudclaire Love #IAM #socialmedia #travel #cooking & Account Executive @okta promoting #IAM #CyberSécurité #CIAM #ZeroTrust – Tweets are my own Paris, France
- Christine Streich @chrissystreich Adventurer, antique collector, tech geek, foodie, wine beer and spirits snob, sports junkie, and life long learner. New York (State, not City)
- Abha Sharma @Forthright1909 IT security expert @Avancer Corporation. A professional problem solver. An artist by heart with dancing steps and love for life.
- Ayanna @AyannaHaskins Cybersecurity | Corporate Governance Philadelphia PA|Washington DC
- Roxanne Davis @RoxeyFoxz Cyber Sec Major @ franklin University Bettendorf, IA
- Misilla dela Llana @misillad1 Wife, Mother, Libertarian, 2a, #Blockchain Enthusiast, #XRP, #Ripple, #Steemit, #Data443, Politics, Economy, Social Media Blogger, Gardener @learntogrow2
- Véronique BOREL @borelveronique Marketing IT paris
- Carolyn Newsome @Cnewsome2277 Global Cybersecurity professional at Capgemini Evans, GA
- Brittney Stinner @Brittney_R7 San Diego native living in Austin, TX. Helping to innovate cyber security postures around the world! Austin, TX
- Judy Trapp @jtrappy Data Connectors Cybersecurity Conferences, Chicago, IL
- İdil Sukas @idiills BKM 👩🏽💻 | CyberSecurity. InformationSecurity BookWorm. ArtLover. Foodie. Born to Travel. StayHealthy. Engineer graduated from #BinghamtonUniversity #ITU İstanbul
- Heidi Rolleston @heidi_veronica8 ◇ Cybersecurity Warrior 💻 ◇ Coffee Queen ☕ ◇ Obsessed with Harley-Davidson Motorcycles 🏍 ◇ Love all things Beauty💄 ◇ Huge Cat & Dog Lover Johns Creek, GA
- Lauren Richards @lmricha Tech Marketer @thalesesecurity | Foodie | Dog Mom | Xennial | Yogi | #Marketing #CyberSecurity #Encryption Views here are my own South Florida
- Anne Bechert @Anne_Bechert Channel Manager @ CyberArk Hanover, Germany
- HelloTwittyNYC @HelloTwittyNYC Senior Healthcare IT Project Manager and Freelance Cybersecurity Consultant New York City
- Ashley O’Connor @Ash_E_OConnor CyberSecurity Account Manager at Proofpoint http://www.proofpoint.com Silicon Valley
- MaryWestonADI @maryweston617 Brand Manager @ Analog Devices – #IoT #healthcare #cybersecurity #Tech | former CPG marketer & agency strategist | Travel | Sox & Pats | Music Boston, MA
- Dara @darasuch Professional #problemsolver and Publisher of Security, networking & IoT practices @techtarget; vinyl junkie, amateur chef and eternal child of the 90’s Boston
- Heather Taylor @Heather1Taylor Cybersecurity, Preventing The Misuse Of Credentials, and meaningful work. Eugene, OR
- Shirley Kamil @shirley_kamil PR & Communications Director @TheCyberSecHub United Kingdom
- Catherine Friend @PsychFriend MSc Cyberpsychology, cybercrime legislation PhD research, deception, plus the odd wandering cat http://catherinefriend.wixsite.com/catherinefriend
- Jamilah @jmilaism Cyber Security Professional, Marathoner & Triathlete…I’m just here for the comments😆Philadelphia, PA
- Jessica Bouteiller@emagine_Jessica Responsable Practice #Cybersécurité chez emagine, le sur-mesure pour vos projets | jessica.bouteiller@emagine.org
- Lesley Sullivan @LesleyASullivan PR Manager @ CyberArk Boston, MA
Do women make up only 11 percent of the cybersecurity workforce? Or, is the figure closer to 20 percent?
Cybercrime Magazine believes the number is so big that we’ll need a database to handle the chore. We’ll be back shortly with a powerful searchable directory of women in the cybersecurity field. Our weekly articles with the names of women in cyber will continue to be unstructured and make for a fun read – the database will bring structure and make it easy to search for names by keywords and phrases.
While Twitter is hardly the only source to research names, our team has concluded it’s the best for this project. We may certainly expand the format, but for now a project of this sort is a huge undertaking and we need to stay focused.
We will be crowdsourcing names as part of our research and compilation. Do you want to participate? Get in touch with us here and we’ll explain how you can contribute names to the world’s largest list of women in the cybersecurity field.
Many of you sent us names earlier this week. We are grateful for your contribution – and our team is processing them.
– Steve Morgan is founder and Editor-in-Chief at Cybersecurity Ventures.
Go here to read all of my blogs and articles covering cybersecurity. Go here to send me story tips, feedback and suggestions.