27 Mar Zoom Security: Everything That Home Users And IT Teams Need To Know
Former White House CIO Theresa Payton on data and personal privacy Listen to the Podcast
– Steve Morgan, Editor-in-Chief
Sausalito, Calif. – Mar. 27, 2020
The Zoom homepage says, “In this together. Keeping you connected wherever you are.” And they mean it.
Zoom is the second-most downloaded App in the world according to former White House CIO Theresa Payton, who is one of the nation’s top cybersecurity experts.
No surprise on the Zoom usage volume given the millions of people that have been sent home to work. But there are some security and privacy issues that will be eyebrow raisers for some of you.
Payton, who starred in the CBS reality TV show “Hunted” and is now CEO at Fortalice Solutions, joined the Cybercrime Magazine podcast for a discussion today. Think of it as everything you always wanted to know about Zoom security but were afraid to ask.
How do you protect against Zoom Bombing?
Can hackers eavesdrop on Zoom conferences?
Should IT teams be reviewing the Zoom security white paper?
Is it OK to login to Zoom from your Facebook account?
Is Zoom selling your personal data?
How important is it to make sure that you’re using the latest version of the Zoom App?
Payton answers these questions and others for you in today’s episode.
Cybercrime Magazine is a Zoom advocate, and a paying customer. We use Zoom for all of our dial-in guest interviews. But we’re also very concerned with security and data privacy. Payton is a wealth of information and you’ll learn what you need to know about Zoom security by listening to her.
Recommended Reading
Security at Zoom explains protecting your meetings, protecting your data, and protecting your privacy.
We encourage all IT security teams to read the Zoom security white paper.
Every Zoom user should read the Zoom privacy policy.
Berkeley University of California’s Information Security Office provides a thorough explanation of what Zoom Bombing is and how to protect against it.
This Zoom blog explains how to secure your meetings with Waiting Rooms.
A Zoom camera hacking bug was discovered last year. Earlier this year Zoom issued a security warning about video calls at risk from hackers. Make sure you update your Zoom App to the latest version to avoid being a cybercrime victim.
Kudos to Zoom for providing a great service in a time of need!
– Steve Morgan is founder and Editor-in-Chief at Cybersecurity Ventures.
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