13 Jul Wikipedia’s List Of The Largest Data Breaches Globally Since 2004
Compilation of cyberattacks by organization type and number of records compromised
– Steve Morgan, Editor-in-Chief
Sausalito, Calif. – Jul. 13, 2019
Wikipedia, a free encyclopedia written collaboratively by the people who use it, provides a list of nearly 300 data breaches (as of the date of this post) since 2004, using data compiled from various sources, including press reports, government news releases, and mainstream news articles.
The handy list can be sorted by organization, year (when breach occurred), industry type, number of records compromised, and method of attack.
Top 25 Data Breaches
The largest data breach ever was the Yahoo hack, which affected all of it’s 3 billion user accounts. Hacks on financial services companies, healthcare organizations, and government agencies are the most damaging. The Wikipedia list includes recognizable brands across all industries.
Who’s Been Hacked
A quick look at who’s been hacked since 2004, according to the Wikipedia list:
- 21st Century Oncology
- Accendo Insurance Co.
- Adobe Systems
- Advocate Medical Group
- AerServ (subsidiary of InMobi)
- Affinity Health Plan, Inc.
- Ameritrade
- Ancestry.com
- Ankle & Foot Center of Tampa Bay, Inc.
- Anthem Inc.
- Apple
- Apple Health Medicaid
- Apple, Inc./BlueToad
- Ashley Madison
- AT&T
- Auction.co.kr
- Australian Immigration Department
- Australian National University
- Automatic Data Processing
- AvMed, Inc.
- Bailey’s Inc.
- Bank of America
- Barnes & Noble
- Bedford/St. Martin’s
- Bell Canada
- Betfair
- Bethesda Game Studios
- Blank Media Games
- Blizzard Entertainment
- BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee
- BMO and Simplii
- British Airways
- California Department of Child Support Services
- Canva
- CardSystems Solutions Inc.
- CareFirst BlueCross Blue Shield – Maryland
- Cathay Pacific Airways
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
- Central Coast Credit Union
- Central Hudson Gas & Electric
- CheckFree Corporation
- China Software Developer Network
- Citigroup
- City and Hackney Teaching Primary Care Trust
- Colorado government
- Community Health Systems
- Compass Bank
- Countrywide Financial Corp
- Cox Communications
- Crescent Health Inc., Walgreens
- Dai Nippon Printing
- Data Processors International
- Defense Integrated Data Center (South Korea)
- Deloitte
- Democratic National Committee (DNC)
- Desjardins
- Domino’s Pizza (France)
- Dropbox
- Drupal
- DSW Inc.
- Dun & Bradstreet
- Earl Enterprises
- eBay
- Educational Credit Management Corporation
- Eisenhower Medical Center
- Embassy Cables
- Emergency Healthcare Physicians, Ltd.
- Emory Healthcare
- Equifax
- Erie County Medical Center
- European Central Bank
- Evernote
- Excellus BlueCross BlueShield
- Experian – T-Mobile US
- EyeWire
- Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
- Fidelity National Information Services
- First American Corporation
- Florida Department of Juvenile Justice
- Formspring
- Friend Finder Networks
- Gamigo
- Gap Inc.
- Gawker
- Global Payments
- Gmail
- Google Plus
- Greek government
- Grozio Chirurgija
- GS Caltex
- Gyft
- Hannaford Brothers Supermarket Chain
- HauteLook
- Health Net
- Health Net — IBM
- Health Sciences Authority (Singapore)
- Heartland
- Heathrow Airport
- Hewlett Packard
- Hilton Hotels
- Home Depot
- Honda Canada
- Hyatt Hotels
- Internal Revenue Service
- Inuvik hospital
- Iranian banks (three: Saderat, Eghtesad Novin, and Saman)
- Jefferson County, West Virginia
- JP Morgan Chase
- Justdial
- Kirkwood Community College
- Korea Credit Bureau
- Kroll Background America
- KT Corporation
- Landry’s, Inc.
- LexisNexis
- Lincoln Medical & Mental Health Center
- LinkedIn, eHarmony, Last.fm
- Living Social
- MacRumors.com
- Mandarin Oriental Hotels
- Marriott International
- Massachusetts Government
- Medical Informatics Engineering
- Memorial Healthcare System
- Michaels
- Militarysingles.com
- Ministry of Education (Chile)
- Ministry of Health (Singapore)
- Monster.com
- Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
- Mozilla
- MyHeritage
- National Archives and Records Administration (U.S. military veterans records)
- National Guard of the United States
- Natural Grocers
- Neiman Marcus
- Nemours Foundation
- Network Solutions
- New York City Health & Hospitals Corp.
- New York State Electric & Gas
- New York Taxis
- Nexon Korea Corp
- Nintendo
- Nival Networks
- Norwegian Tax Administration
- Ofcom
- Office of the Texas Attorney General
- Ohio State University
- Orbitz
- Oregon Department of Transportation
- Patreon
- Philippines Commission on Elections
- Popsugar
- Premera
- Puerto Rico Department of Health
- Quest Diagnostics
- Quora
- Rambler.ru
- RBS Worldpay
- Restaurant Depot
- RockYou!
- Rosen Hotels
- San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
- Scottrade
- Scribd
- Seacoast Radiology, PA
- Sega
- Service Personnel and Veterans Agency (UK)
- SingHealth
- Slack
- SnapChat
- Sony Online Entertainment
- Sony Pictures
- Sony PlayStation Network
- South Africa police
- South Carolina Government
- South Shore Hospital, Massachusetts
- Southern California Medical-Legal Consultants
- Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System
- Stanford University
- Starbucks
- Starwood Hotels
- State of Texas
- Steam
- Stratfor
- Supervalu
- Sutter Medical Center
- Syrian government (Syria Files)
- T-Mobile, Deutsche Telekom
- Taobao
- Target Corporation
- Taringa!
- TaxSlayer.com
- TD Ameritrade
- TD Bank
- TerraCom & YourTel
- Texas Lottery
- The Bank of New York Mellon
- Tianya Club
- Ticketfly (subsidiary of Eventbrite)
- TK / TJ Maxx
- Tricare
- Triple-S Salud, Inc.
- Truecaller
- Trump Hotels
- Tumblr
- Twitch.tv
- Typeform
- U.S. Army
- U.S. Department of Defense
- U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs
- Uber
- Ubisoft
- Ubuntu
- UCLA Medical Center, Santa Monica
- UK Driving Standards Agency
- UK Home Office
- UK Ministry of Defence
- UK Revenue & Customs
- Under Armour
- United States Postal Service
- University of California, Berkeley
- University of Central Florida
- University of Maryland, College Park
- University of Miami
- University of Utah Hospital & Clinics
- University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
- US Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
- US Medicaid
- US Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
- Verizon Communications
- Virginia Department of Health
- Virginia Prescription Monitoring Program
- Vodafone
- VTech
- Walmart
- Washington Post
- Washington State court system
- Weebly
- Wendy’s
- Westpac
- Woodruff Arts Center
- WordPress
- Writerspace.com
- Xat.com
- Yahoo
- Yahoo Japan
- Yahoo! Voices
- Yale University
- Zappos
To learn more about the data breach at each organization listed, go here to view the list.
Cybercrime Diary
Looking for more data breaches? Look no further…
Cybercrime Magazine compiles a curated diary of data breaches and cyberattacks each quarter. The Cybercrime Diary, which has been publishing since 2016, lists hundreds of incidents each year, with short narratives and hyperlinks to news sources.
– Steve Morgan is founder and Editor-in-Chief at Cybersecurity Ventures.
Go here to read all of my blogs and articles covering cybersecurity. Go here to send me story tips, feedback and suggestions.