28 Feb Playbook For Defending Your Network And Reducing The Risk Of A Cyberattack
Get a prioritized checklist of actions that you can take right away to protect your organization from cyber threats Watch Webinar
– Dr. Eric Cole, CEO at Secure Anchor
Reston, Va. – Dec. 15, 2018
When was the last time you had a breach? Are you sure? Today’s attackers are remarkably sophisticated—and can lie in wait for months before you even notice their presence.
Here’s the hard truth: if you haven’t detected an attack/compromise in the last 12 months, it is NOT because it’s not happening – it’s because you’re not looking in the right places.
A compromise in your network is inevitable – if it isn’t already happening now, it will soon. Given that 100% security simply doesn’t exist, what can you do to control and minimize the damage from attacks?
“Secure Anchor produces some of the best webinars I’ve seen. Dr. Eric Cole is engaging and informative, and he shares exactly what IT security leaders need to know” – Steve Morgan, Editor-in-Chief at Cybercrime Magazine
In this previously recorded webinar, my firm will provide a playbook for approaching organizational security from this perspective. You’ll learn how a proper foundation for security is key, followed by proactive threat hunting and active defense. You’ll also get a prioritized checklist of actions that you can take right away to reduce the risk of an attack and mitigate one in progress.
The constant barrage of security threats is not going to let up, and if you wait to respond, it will already be too late.
What is Threat Hunting?
Threat hunting is the act of tracking and eliminating cyber adversaries from your network as early as possible. A key tenant of cybersecurity is that prevention is ideal, but detection is a must.
In a digital climate that is changing at an incredibly rapid pace, it is unrealistic to believe that your organization will never be compromised. It is impossible to eliminate every threat to your organization, so you must be able to perform early detection and remediation.
Learn more about threat hunting by watching the webinar.
– Dr. Eric Cole is a renowned security expert with over two decades of experience in IT and network security. He is the author of several books and textbooks, including Advanced Persistent Threat, Hackers Beware, Hiding in Plain Sight, Network Security Bible 2nd Edition, and Insider Threat, and has presented at many major conferences. He served as a member of the Commission on Cyber Security for the 44th President, Barack Obama, and also sits on several executive advisory boards.
Secure Anchor provides high-touch cybersecurity services that help organizations prevent security breaches, detect network intrusions, and respond to advanced threats. Using a proven methodology developed by noted author, speaker, and trainer, Dr. Eric Cole, Secure Anchor’s recommendations are tailored to the needs of the organization, prioritized, and actionable.