18 Apr Cyber Liability Insurance: What CISOs Need To Know About Policy Coverages
Tips on leveraging incident response plans to negotiate rates with underwriters
– Steve Morgan, Editor-in-Chief
Sausalito, Calif. – Apr. 18, 2019
Theresa Payton is a globetrotting cybersecurity CEO, author, keynote speaker, and actress. Her company, Fortalice Solutions — a cybersecurity intelligence and operations provider — has been on the front lines of hundreds of incident responses.
This week, Theresa wants to talk about a question she gets asked all the time by CIOs and CISOs – How much cyber liability insurance is enough – and how do I know if we have the right coverages? She says the best way to do that is to identify your worst digital disaster nightmare.
Where do you have gaps? Talk to your general counsel. Do you have monies, including cryptocurrency, in place to draw on in the event of an unexpected cyber or ransomware attack?
Call your cyber liability insurance company and ask them to come in and watch while you’re practicing incident response plans. Theresa explains how to speak with your underwriters to get a better rate by demonstrating your preparedness.
Cyber insurance is a complex topic. Listen up to Theresa and get a head start. Her suggestions are easy to understand and easy to implement. Don’t wait until it’s too late to heed the advice of an experienced large enterprise incident responder.
Watch the 2-minute video to hear what Theresa has to say on this mission-critical topic. Hopefully, you’ll never need her advice, but if you do — then it will serve you well.
Stay tuned for more cyber advice from Theresa.
– Steve Morgan is founder and Editor-in-Chief at Cybersecurity Ventures.
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